For the latest in Māori, Hip Hop R&B Tune into Raukawa Vibes.
Come for the yarns and stay for the vibes.
Catch up on the latest news, hottest hits and the juiciest goss
Tune into Dr. Fresh the Rise & Vibe Brekafast Crew
Ko Te Oha Kōrero he hōtaka nā Hēmi Pākira, James Barnes, I roto anake i te reo Māori.
He tōranga pū, he uiui manuwhiri, he rapu I te reo onamata.
Kia rite tetongikura a Kīngi Tuheitia " Kia amo i te ora o te iwi, Kia puta ki tewhei ao". Pai mārire.
Hono mai ia rā wiki, mai te 8 ki te 12 I te pō